中出租车开发 JOBY AVIATION 已完成仅由液氢驱动的电动垂直起降(eVTOL)飞机的飞行,展示了零排放区域旅行的潜力。
这家总部位于加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯的公司于7月 11 日表示,该飞机于6月 24 日飞越其位于加利福尼亚州马里纳的基地,飞行距离为 454 海里(841 公里)。
"航空旅行是人类进步的核心,但我们需要找到让航空旅行更清洁的方法,"该公司创始人兼首席执行官乔本·贝维尔特(JoeBen Bevit)表示。“我们的电池电动空中出租车将从根本上改变我们在城市中的出行方式,我们很高兴现在能够构建一个技术堆栈,利用氢电飞机重新定义区域旅行。
该公司表示,此次试飞是“以液态氢为动力的垂直起降飞机的首次前向飞行",此次试,飞由该公司与美国空军的 AailitvPrime 计划合作支持。飞机着陆时,氢燃料剩余量为 10%。
AFWERX Agility Prime 代理分部负责人 jacob Wilson 表示:“Agility Prime 一直非常支持氢动力飞机的开发和测试因为这符合该计划推进变革性垂直升力技术的目标以及国防部更广泛的能源运营目标,即能源替代和多样化以及减少能源需求。
这架氢电演示飞机是该公司未来技术计划的一部分,是 Joby 与其全资德国子公司 H2FLY 合作的成果。它配备了一个可携带 40 公斤 (88.2 磅)液态氢的燃料箱,以及一个减少的电池负荷。氢气被输送到为六个旋翼提供动力的燃料电池系统中,电池支持起飞和降落。

JUL 11, 2024

Why Hydrogen Makes Sense for Aviation

JoeBen Bevirt

CEO & Founder, Joby Aviation

On June 24, 2024, Joby’s hydrogen-electric technology demonstrator aircraft completed a 523-mile flight above Marina, California, with no in-flight emissions except water. Joby Aviation Photo

Jul 11, 2024 — Co-authored by JoeBen Bevirt, Founder and CEO of Joby, and Raffaele Russo, Business Manager for New Technologies at Joby.

The world is rapidly moving towards cleaner methods of producing and using energy. Batteries play a central role in this shift, enabling the storage of enough energy to power personal devices and vehicles – and, at scale, to smooth the supply and demand cycles of entire energy grids.

In aviation, we believe batteries are the perfect solution for short-range flight. We demonstrated that potential in 2021 when we flew a battery-electric prototype aircraft 154 miles on a single charge, including a vertical take-off and landing. Since then, we have completed in total more than 33,000 miles of battery-electric flight and are moving closer to bringing quiet, emissions-free air travel to cities and communities around the world.

Although the specific energy of batteries is improving, their weight will continue to limit the application of electric aircraft to short-distance travel.

To serve regional markets, we plan to use hydrogen to increase the potential range and payload of electric aircraft.

We demonstrated this potential recently by converting one of our battery-electric air taxi prototypes into a hydrogen-electric technology demonstrator. On June 24, the aircraft completed a 523-mile flight, including a vertical take-off and landing. That’s enough range to connect San Francisco to San Diego, or Boston to Baltimore – moving people from city center to city center with no operating emissions.

In aviation, weight is critically important. Hydrogen has one hundred times the specific energy of today’s batteries and three times that of jet fuel. Instead of relying on batteries as the primary source of energy, we use an onboard hydrogen fuel cell system to produce electricity. The result is an electric aircraft that can travel much farther – and carry a greater payload – than is possible not only with any battery cells currently under development, but even with the same mass of jet fuel.

Hydrogen can be produced using diverse energy sources – including solar, hydro, and wind – establishing a critical path towards reaching zero emissions aviation.

Governments around the world have recognized the central role hydrogen will play in our collective energy future and are investing in the clean production, distribution, storage, and usage of hydrogen.

The U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Roadmap, released by the Department of Energy in 2022 and updated in 2024, identified ten Hydrogen Hubs around the nation and dedicated $7 billion in funding to building out these centers of hydrogen development.

As domestic production and distribution of hydrogen in the U.S. begins to scale, aviation should be at the top of the list for its potential applications. We believe hydrogen-electric aircraft are the only technology solution with the potential to enable regional or even nationwide flight while addressing the totality of aviation’s impact on the planet. 

Aviation today accounts for 2-3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and a greater share of total climate impact due to non-CO2 effects. But as air travel continues to grow and other sectors decarbonize, the industry’s global impact could be four times higher by 2050, according to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). 

We recognize that broadly commercializing hydrogen will require doing the hard miles on regulation and infrastructure, along with fuel storage and distribution, but we have demonstrated that regional hydrogen-electric flight is possible today.

The world is closer than it has ever been, and so is the opportunity for hydrogen, alongside battery-electric aircraft, to play a key role in decarbonizing flight – to maintain our connected world while preserving the only planet we have for future generations.

2024 年 6 月 24 日,Joby 的氢电技术演示飞机在加州马里纳上空完成了 523 英里的飞行,除水之外没有任何飞行中排放。Joby 航空照片

2024 年 7 月 11 日——由 Joby 创始人兼首席执行官 JoeBen Bevirt 和 Joby 新技术业务经理 Raffaele Russo 共同撰写。


在航空领域,我们相信电池是短程飞行的完美解决方案。我们在 2021 年展示了这一潜力,当时我们驾驶一架电池电动原型飞机一次充电飞行了 154 英里,包括垂直起飞和降落。自那时以来,我们总共完成了超过 33,000 英里的电池电动飞行,并正在朝着为人们带来安静、零排放的航空旅行的目标迈进。



我们最近通过将我们的一架电池电动空中出租车原型机改装成氢电技术演示机来展示这一潜力。6 月 24 日,这架飞机完成了 523 英里的飞行,包括垂直起飞和降落。这个航程足以将旧金山连接到圣地亚哥,或将波士顿连接到巴尔的摩——将人们从一个市中心运送到另一个市中心,而不会产生任何运营排放。




美国能源部于 2022 年发布并于 2024 年更新的《美国国家清洁氢能路线图》确定了全国十个氢能中心,并拨款 70 亿美元用于建设这些氢能开发中心。


目前,航空业占全球温室气体排放量的 2-3%,由于非二氧化碳影响,航空业在总体气候影响中所占份额更大。但根据国际民用航空组织 (ICAO) 的数据,随着航空旅行持续增长和其他行业脱碳,到 2050 年,该行业对全球的影响可能会增加四倍。




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